Monday, September 04, 2006


Jill and I began by brainstorming characteristics of mobility in regards to structure. To what extent will our structure be mobile?

Important considerations:
- type of material
- weight of material
- strength of connections
- level of assembly / complexity of structure
- is it dynamic?
- allowance for attachments- internal and external

Based upon these ideas, we looked at several case studies that incorporated a variety of materials and forms. In the project "Tea Houses" by Studio 80 one of the t
hree houses had walls where the materials were permeable. Upon first glance, it resembles elastic stretched across the frame. Although the project was constructed of bamboo, we explored the possibility of using elastic in this type of construction. As a flexible and opaque material, elastic enables the structure to remain lightweight but take on various forms. Rough study models are shown below.
Based upon the same principles as the elastic material, we also explored the possibility of using fabric within the structure after viewing the project Floating Pavillion by Maki & Associates. The material has the ability to act as a skin when applied to a framework and possesses a similar degree of flexibility as elastic.

We are meeting with the other groups today to discuss our progression and the interaction between the five elements of the project.

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