Friday, September 01, 2006


The studio atmosphere has changed drastically. In transitioning to the virtual studio we find ourselves constantly hunched over our computers. The initial meeting went well; contact was established, everyone was visible on camera, audio was clear (except for a few mishaps), and most importantly the discussion was effective. I feel subsequent meetings have been less successful. Group chatting via Skype is difficult to follow and disorganized. Several conversations were occurring simultaneously causing confusion and detracting from the discussion. I would raise a question or respond to something that was said, and by the time I could send the text the conversation had gone off onto another tangent- making my contribution irrelevant. I believe the class got more out of this past meeting than the professor did. Whenever an important point was brought up (a point usually too complex to type in the allotted time) it was discussed out loud and the Skype chat was ignored resulting in the professor being completely left out of the conversation. Future crits should be conducted using audio and video as it was done during the initial contact. This sounds like a negative post but up to this point the virtual studio has been a success. Ideas and critiques have been exchanged effectively and not much has been lost in virtual translation.

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